Thursday, June 24, 2010
English Alphabetical attributions to Liber Trigrammaton - Class A
LIBER TRIGRAMMATON - (English Alphabet Attributions)
Class A Document
Here is Nothing under its three forms. It is not, yet informeth all things.
E - The Triple Light, the Triple Flame, J- The Hook, The Horn of Plenty
Now cometh the glory of the Single One, as an imperfection and stain.
f– Breath
But by the Weak One the Mother was it equilibrated.
Soft C, P – The Pregnant Goddess
— —
Also the purity was divided by Strength, the force of the Demiurge.
I – The Projectile
And the Cross was formulated in the Universe that as yet was not.
A – The Five Fold Star
— —
But now the Imperfection became manifest, presiding over the fading of perfection.
Z, Nf - The Lightning Flash
Also the Woman arose, and veiled the Upper Heaven with her body of stars.
B – The Book 2 , Y consonant
Now cometh the glory of the Single One, as an imperfection and stain.
f– Breath
But by the Weak One the Mother was it equilibrated.
Soft C, P – The Pregnant Goddess
— —
Also the purity was divided by Strength, the force of the Demiurge.
I – The Projectile
And the Cross was formulated in the Universe that as yet was not.
A – The Five Fold Star
— —
But now the Imperfection became manifest, presiding over the fading of perfection.
Z, Nf - The Lightning Flash
Also the Woman arose, and veiled the Upper Heaven with her body of stars.
B – The Book 2 , Y consonant
— —
Now then a giant arose, of terrible strength; and asserted the Spirit in a secret rite.
H – The Fortress
And the Master of the Temple balancing all things arose; his stature was above the Heaven and below Earth and Hell.
D – The Bow 3
— —
Against him the Brothers of the Left-hand Path, confusing the symbols. They concealed their horror [in this symbol];
R - The Emperor, x-The Cross
— —
for in truth they were
┘ The Black Brothers
— —
The master flamed forth as a star and set a guard of Water in every Abyss.
Q – The Lion, F – An Axe
— —
— —
Also certain secret ones concealed the Light of Purity in themselves, protecting it from the Persecutions.
K (hard C) – The Virgin
Likewise also did certain sons and daughters of Hermes and of Aphrodite, more openly
G – Union
— —
But the Enemy confused them. They pretended to conceal that Light, that they might betray it, and profane it.
S – The Serpent
— —
Yet certain holy nuns concealed the secret in songs upon the lyre.
M – The Wave, The Valley
— —
— —
Now did the Horror of Time pervert all things, hiding the Purity with a loathsome thing, a thing unnameable.
Sf – The Son
Yea, and there arose sensualists upon the firmament, as a foul stain of storm upon the sky.
┘4 The Black Brothers
— —
And the Black Brothers raised their heads; yea, they unveiled themselves without shame or fear.
w – Vision 5
— —
Also there rose up a soul of filth and of weakness, and it corrupted all the rule of the Tao.
Tf (The Altar) 6
— —
— —
Then only was Heaven established to bear sway; for only in the lowest corruption is form manifest.
L (upright) – Balance – A Foot
Also did Heaven manifest in violent light,
N – The Gate
— —
And in soft light.
O – The Moon, Y (vowel)
— —
Then were the waters gathered together from the heaven,
V – The Horns of Power 7
Now then a giant arose, of terrible strength; and asserted the Spirit in a secret rite.
H – The Fortress
And the Master of the Temple balancing all things arose; his stature was above the Heaven and below Earth and Hell.
D – The Bow 3
— —
Against him the Brothers of the Left-hand Path, confusing the symbols. They concealed their horror [in this symbol];
R - The Emperor, x-The Cross
— —
for in truth they were
┘ The Black Brothers
— —
The master flamed forth as a star and set a guard of Water in every Abyss.
Q – The Lion, F – An Axe
— —
— —
Also certain secret ones concealed the Light of Purity in themselves, protecting it from the Persecutions.
K (hard C) – The Virgin
Likewise also did certain sons and daughters of Hermes and of Aphrodite, more openly
G – Union
— —
But the Enemy confused them. They pretended to conceal that Light, that they might betray it, and profane it.
S – The Serpent
— —
Yet certain holy nuns concealed the secret in songs upon the lyre.
M – The Wave, The Valley
— —
— —
Now did the Horror of Time pervert all things, hiding the Purity with a loathsome thing, a thing unnameable.
Sf – The Son
Yea, and there arose sensualists upon the firmament, as a foul stain of storm upon the sky.
┘4 The Black Brothers
— —
And the Black Brothers raised their heads; yea, they unveiled themselves without shame or fear.
w – Vision 5
— —
Also there rose up a soul of filth and of weakness, and it corrupted all the rule of the Tao.
Tf (The Altar) 6
— —
— —
Then only was Heaven established to bear sway; for only in the lowest corruption is form manifest.
L (upright) – Balance – A Foot
Also did Heaven manifest in violent light,
N – The Gate
— —
And in soft light.
O – The Moon, Y (vowel)
— —
Then were the waters gathered together from the heaven,
V – The Horns of Power 7
— —
And a crust of earth concealed the core of flame.
T – The Table
— —
— —
Around the globe gathered the wide air,
U – The Cup
— —
— —
And men began to light fires upon the earth.
X – The Wheel
— —
— —
Therefore was the end of it sorrow; yet in that sorrow a sixfold star of glory whereby they might see to return unto the stainless Abode; yea, unto the Stainless Abode.
W – The Eyes (Spirit)
— —
— —
— —
1 The manner of manifestation
2 The Book is Knowledge, the Fanning (unfolding) of the Pages are the breasts of Our Lady concealed in the shape of the letter.
3 That which propels the Arrow across the abyss)
4 L for Foot denotes Balance
5 The eyes in lower case denoting blindness
6 Actually, T final = 89 the “Wrong Kind of Silence”
7 The shape suggests rain, funnelling or draining of water
And a crust of earth concealed the core of flame.
T – The Table
— —
— —
Around the globe gathered the wide air,
U – The Cup
— —
— —
And men began to light fires upon the earth.
X – The Wheel
— —
— —
Therefore was the end of it sorrow; yet in that sorrow a sixfold star of glory whereby they might see to return unto the stainless Abode; yea, unto the Stainless Abode.
W – The Eyes (Spirit)
— —
— —
— —
1 The manner of manifestation
2 The Book is Knowledge, the Fanning (unfolding) of the Pages are the breasts of Our Lady concealed in the shape of the letter.
3 That which propels the Arrow across the abyss)
4 L for Foot denotes Balance
5 The eyes in lower case denoting blindness
6 Actually, T final = 89 the “Wrong Kind of Silence”
7 The shape suggests rain, funnelling or draining of water
Samuel.K.Vincent said... - Note that M (the 4 into 10) is the pivot point between S and S final: the Self-Sacrifice differentiates between S-The Son and S-The Serpent: which you can read to mean what you Will. Similarly, the passage from T to T final is mediated first, by the L-glyph (The Balance - post-418), the Active Gate (N), the Y vowel that takes the 2 and unites into 1, and the V that does the same, but more proximally. I apologize for the previous errors, and thank you very kindly for pointing them out. Best,
- July 12, 2010 7:14 PM
gflo said... - The lower case 'x' seems to have not been assigned. Thank you
- July 12, 2010 10:31 PM
Samuel.K.Vincent said... - It is the companion to the R. X - The Wheel x- The Cross
- July 13, 2010 12:07 AM
gflo said... - Please excuse me for not being mindful of the order you have established for the subject matter at hand. I don't consider myself qualified to make anything more than a question or a suggestion perhaps; without the help of a skilled Qabalist like yourself, I am useless. That being said... What particularly draws my attention to the Trigrams is their form or appearance according to the Position of the Point. That there are 12 (Zodiac) with a Single Point & there are 8 (inner planets) with None. There are 4 (the elements) that are Coupled & 2 Divided (Uranus & Neptune) & 1 Triune (Spirit) which makes for XXVII in All. This symmetry gives the perception of 5 elements, 10 planets & 12 constellations. Among the 12 that are Single Pointed, there are 3 distinct sets of 4 that visually appear to be 3 phases (Cardinal, Fixed & Mutable) transitioned by the 4 elements or Bigrams (the Chinese name of this Tetragrammaton escapes me). & even more of an equation is the fact that each One represents a numeral counted in base 3 using the numbers 0 - the Point/Tao, 1 - the Line/Yang & 2 - the Broken Line/Yin. (note: AL I:24 "six and fifty" 6/50 = 0.12) The bottom position of the Trigram has the value of 1; the middle, 3 & the top, 9. At least, this has been the result of my research which maybe you can confirm or negate. Each one counted accordingly to the rules given above gives this random sequence: 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 19, 20, 12, 15, 21, 24, 13, 14, 16, 22, 17, 23, 25 & 26 Now the set of 8 (the corners of the Cube) & 12 (the angles of the Cube), thus numbered, both add up to 156 & the 7 (the faces & Space within/without of the Cube) adds up to 39, a reflection of 93. 9 & 3 when multiplied gives 27, the Cube or Hadit. Please excuse the Art for I am merely trying to illustrate the Vision of my Point which I humbly place as a finishing stroke of a question mark. What do you make of all this? Thank you... Sincerely
- July 13, 2010 5:51 PM
Samuel.K.Vincent said... - I don't doubt that your results are significant. The Perfections are such that They are manifest from no Matter which Ray One takes to the source. First of all, evidence appears to confirm your methodology which (for this reason) I'm sure will produce a number of exciting revelations. Multiplication by 0, 1, 2 alternatively is the equivalent to distilling the operation as it manifests into the Supernal Spheres. In fact, Liber Trigrammaton describes perfectly, the resolution of the 9=2 equation: that is, it describes in entirety the development of the Babe of the Abyss into a conscious element of the 2nd sphere (Chokmah). For This reason you were asked if you were 9=2, and hence the injunction to “look and see”. At such a Place, the Man is conscious of three Wheels that constitute his Being. (The Supernals, the Christian Trinity, Mind-Body-Soul, Beast-Man-God etc and all other triune / trigram constructions: are descriptions of these-especially Liber Trigrammaton, the Document on IT.). The Current blows and turns the Wheels this quickly or that slowly according to their Alignment. (Angle to the Current). These Wheels are Chakras, they are the Supernal Sephiroth, give them whatever Name you Will; they constitute the body of the Man in 2, who is 1 (9=2). Perdurabo himself divides the 6 by 50. This may be of interest for the very reasons you describe. However, "six and fifty" means six + fifty, or as Crowley might have said, NU brings Death (50) to the 6 (the Son) which is the birthing of the Babe of the Abyss within the Four WatchTowers in the desert set at the foot of the Sea of Binah: the result of which produces the process of distilling whatever current into Being through the three Wheels (0,1,2) in an attempt to reduce all to 000 (from the 400-401-441-883-888-000). Assuming the trigrams describe such a state, your method holds. O is the action into the Ain Soph Aur. 1 into Kether and the 2 into Chokmah. He seeking to solve 9=2 operates at this level instinctually. Perdurabo knew this but didn't have the mapping of the English letters, despite having written them out so plainly in Book 220. Nonetheless, having walked those Aires, he was able to describe them perfectly, though he was blinded to the glyph attributions. Just so all this might be even more wondrous and miraculous. It makes one think all this is a ruse, until one sees that the perfection of the Key extends beyond the book and into material reality as they are manifest through time. It seems you are destined to find some form of resolution / concordance between the two systems. Your Knowledge and Play of these are Beyond Where my Will points. Wherever this Path leads, you are walking alone (as far as I can tell), and so a shining light for the rest of us. Your arrangement does produce 156 for the Houses and 156 for the Planets; and the remainder (which is the Initiate in this Place) is indeed 39, which into 4 (the Material) is again 156 (=39x4). I hear you knocking at the Palace of the Queen, our Daughter. 8=3.
- July 14, 2010 2:01 PM
gflo said... - I did not mention that AL I:24 is followed by AL I:25 "Divide (= 0.12), add (= 56), multiply (= 300)" I assure you that I am not alone nor is this my personal discovery, but those who have knowledge of this have gone astray & their assumptions are unreliable. I have drawn my own conclusions. I have took from them what was True & discarded the rest. I merely stumble upon the pieces & put them where I feel they must fit as a puzzle. Each part gives me a glimpse of the picture. Likewise from you as well I have taken what I can use. I feel undeserving of any title. I have only been inspired by the work of others. I would appreciate correction or guidance whenever possible though these matters may be Beyond your Will for I have no formal training whatsoever, nor could I have successfully accomplished what you have in these matters, but I assume to be helpful nevertheless. Quite simply I need your help in pointing out my errors & what is not seen I am content to let be; after all I am only human. Interesting that you speak of Frater Perdurabo when the Name you employ as the Author of The English Qabalah numbers 666 (Samuel K. Vincent - with a T final)... I have always thought that the Trigrams dictated their own correspondences & from that here is what I have configured. For convenience I will mention each Trigram from its base 3 value ranging from 0 - 26 in 3 different groups. The Five Elements = 30: 0 (E) = Spirit, 1 (f) = Fire, 2 (C,P) = Water, 9 (Z, Nf) = Air, 18 (B, Yc) = Earth. The Ten Planets = 165: 3 (I) = Uranus, 6 (A) = Neptune, 13 (L) = Saturn, 14 (N) = Mercury, 16 (O) = The Sun, 22 (V) = Jupiter, 17 (T) = Venus, 23 (U) = The Moon, 25 (X) = Mars, 26 (W) = The Earth. The Twelve Signs = 156: 4 (H) = Aries, 5 (D) = Libra, 7 (R,x) = Cancer, 8 (F,Q) = Capricorn, 10 (K) = Leo, 11 (G) = Aquarius, 19 (S) = Scorpio, 20 (M) = Taurus, 12 (Sf) = Sagittarius, 15 (L averse) = Gemini, 21 (w) = Pisces 24 (Tf) = Virgo. My method of analyzing the Trigrams are almost completely mechanical. If the above Zodiac attributions are found to be in error this is the key of my premise: The 4 Bigrams or Tetragrammaton (described from top to bottom line): double Yang is Fire, double Yin is Earth, Yang-Yin is Air & Yin-Yang is Water. The Position of the Point: The top is Cardinal, the middle is Fixed & the bottom is Mutable. I've noticed (among other things) that the 14th Trigram numbered as 19 in base 3 is attributed S - The Serpent which is HAD (7 + 4 + 8 = 19); AL II:22. Interesting that it is also in alignment with Scorpio, which is the Solar equivalent of the Chinese Serpent in their Lunar Calendar. The Trigram attributed to Libra bears the resemblance of the Scales. There are other interesting correspondences but I have not yet thoroughly looked them over. I present them for the Analysis of you & your companions. I appreciate the Grace of your Presence...
- July 15, 2010 3:03 PM
gflo said... - I am assuming that more than likely Ŏ is assigned to the 23rd Trigram along with V or where does it fit?
- July 16, 2010 5:49 PM
Samuel.K.Vincent said... - Yes, it is the feminine to the masculine V. As regards your previous post: How interesting your attributions are! They appear to be all averse! The problem here (or the subtlety) is that the equality is not bi-directional and specific only to value. W = 300 implies that W has the value of 300, but not that 300 has the value of W. 300 can be the value of many formulae (all equivalent to W finally), while the glyph W has only one value. Furthermore W is a letter, 300 is a number; they are both glyphs, but as we can see by their shapes they are distinctly not the same glyph - so that equality sign here must be qualified. In fact, a new notation should be developed that suggests a mapping and not an equality - this would solve this particular difficulty once and for all. There are two distinct analyses one can pursue: (1) one may look at the glyph and determine which elemental, planetary, outer-system division qualify its manifestation. (2) one may look at the element, the planet, the outer-system division of the 12 zodiac houses and determine which glyph qualifies that phasing. Take the third sphere for instance: Going in : BINAH, Queen Mother, the Root of Water and all that is Reflective. Going out: BINAH, Saturn - a dry old man. Do we classify the third sphere as Saturnian? Or do we classify it as Water? In this case, are you mapping the trigrams to the elemental-sphere-zodiac system? Or are you mapping the elemental-sphere-zodiac system to the trigrams? It depends on the intended application. This is my Understanding of That which you seek to Establish: As you assert, there are 4 elements and 1 fifth that sets them in Motion; there are 12 outer system divisions (the zodiac belt) and 8 planets, one Sun, and the Moon which is neither but distinct in Herself. (There are many other planetary moons, but too distant to affect physical matter on the planet as the Moon does, e.g. the tides, the gravitational pull of liquid in the brain, a woman's menstrual cycle, a man's lunacy...) Together they make 27, or as 0-26 by your numbering. You have three tiers, which are multiplicative orders of base 3: 1,3,9. At each tier you permute three values: the dot, the solid line, the broken line. These you number 0,1,2. Three dots would be the lowest valued trigram: 0. Three solid lines would have the highest value, 1x2+3x2+9x2=26. You've permuted the range. The only thing left to do is to determine what to map that range to. I know Nothing of these matters of dots and broken lines. I look however, and the Vision is clear, austere, crystalline, immutable. This is what I see. This is what I Know. In this Place, O O O is correctly attributed. O O ——— is FIRE (not Air). O O — — is AIR (not EARTH) — — O O is correctly attributed. —-— O O is Earth (not FIRE) In this way, you have E SPIRIT; f EARTH; Cs, P WATER; Z,Nf FIRE; and B,Yc AIR which Works. Correct the attributions and you will find the System that revolves All into One. (Do you see yet that Liber Trigrammaton describes the Aethyrs in reverse Order, that is, from W the Outermost into E, the first? Three lines, become three circles, three circles, three spinning wheels.) In love,
- July 16, 2010 10:56 PM
gflo said... - I greatly appreciate the correction. You have opened my eyes. I have rethought my attributions with a different approach. This should be a more perfect fit. The Five Elements = 30: 0 (E,J) -> Spirit, 1 (f) -> Earth, 2 (Cs,P) -> Water, 9 (Z, Nf) -> Fire, 18 (B, Yc) -> Air. The Ten Planets = 165: 3 (I) -> Jupiter, 6 (A) -> The Sun, 13 (L) -> Venus, 14 (N,Y) -> Mars, 16 (O) -> The Moon, 22 (V,Ŏ) -> Mercury, 17 (T) -> The Earth, 23 (U) -> Neptune, 25 (X) -> Saturn, 26 (W) -> Uranus. The Twelve Signs = 156: 4 (H) -> Sagittarius, 5 (D) -> Taurus, 7 (R,x) -> Cancer, 8 (F,Q) -> Leo, 10 (K) -> Virgo, 11 (G) -> Gemini, 19 (S) -> Scorpio, 20 (M) -> Aquarius, 12 (Sf) -> Pisces, 15 (L averse) -> Libra, 21 (w) -> Aries, 24 (Tf) -> Capricorn. Sigma 26 = 351 Thank you
- July 17, 2010 9:49 AM
gflo said... - I am thinking of switching these attributions. 5 (D) -> Taurus, (or Libra?) 15 (L averse) -> Libra, (or Taurus?) I am inclined to think this a better fit. Thank you.
- July 17, 2010 10:21 AM
Samuel.K.Vincent said... - Close but something still isn't right. V and O are definitely not Mercurial. I Wonder why you make this attribution. Is there a Reason? Some other problems: B and D have been switched in your system. (But oddly, I recall something about this. I don't recall if this was a veil, aeonic or initiatory.) In any case: Why do you not make D Saggitarius? w Taurus? H, Aries? As for the Spheres: L is not Venus in this Place. N cannot be Mars. Mars for V,O (the natural choice) is Old Aeon, and Nihilism. Old value for Pe, Foot, War, which is 80. L is Mars, despite my oedipal blindness to it. Look: AL = SUN+MARS= Horus = RHK,HPK = MARS+SUN = LA Believing this Love Venetian is what leads to Trouble. N,Y are the two phases of Mercury - mitigitated for there is something else here, that wanes and fades in this light. It is Apollo disappearing. V,O is Venus ascendent, Venus falling. Test them. Charge them talismanicly, skry or project. Take a subject - yourself perhaps the wisest choice - or an Enemy - and fix a sequence of trigrams designed formulaicly. Observe the results. If it doesn't work, something's wrong. I see all manner of potential in this System.
- July 19, 2010 10:36 PM
gflo said... - Your corrections are infinitely beyond any reason I ever thought I had. But one last correction... 4 (H) -> Cancer, 7 (R,x) -> Aries, H is not only the Castle Fortress & Throne, but the Chariot & the 4 Pillars & Elements surrounding it. It is appropriately assigned to the Crab that has a hardened protective covering & Armored Charioteer of the Castle, the House of the Moon. ABRAHADABRA! R,x is the Emperor implying the impotence of material authority, Anarchy or the fallen government in its proper place. This also forms a perfect symmetry of the 12 Trigrams. Place them on the Wheel of the Zodiac & see how they appear to be opposite. The attributions cannot be any more Perfect for if this is possible It lies Beyond Me. This Qabalah of Trigrammaton takes the form of a 3 dimensional transparent Cube in Space which appears to be not only of Art, but Science for it seems to mathematically express Relativity within a Glyph. This is what I meant in my mistake by a "reconstruction" of a "Tree of Life", but in this place it is a Hiero-Glyph of the 30 Aethyrs. Properly mapped out, each edge is the sum of the 2 sides that meet at that edge & each corner is the sum of the 3 sides that meet at that corner. This is what I want you to see. - is a connection n is a corner (8) (n) represents an edge (12) 17-(11)-14-(12)-13-(10)-16-(15)-17, this is the face of 9 (top) 26-(20)-23-(21)-22-(19)-25-(24)-26, this is the face of 18 (bottom) 13-(10)-16-(7)-25-(19)-22-(4)-13, this is the face of 1 (front) 26-(20)-23-(5)-14-(11)-17-(8)-26, this is the face of 2 (back) 22-(4)-13-(12)-14-(5)-23-(21)-22, this is the face of 3 (right) 17-(15)-16-(7)-25-(24)-26-(8)-17, this is the face of 6 (left) There is much more work to be done as you can see. My appreciation is beyond any word of thanksgiving. Love is the law, love under will.
- July 20, 2010 1:26 PM
gflo said... - Some possible errors that I have noticed in your Numerical Lexicon of The English Qabalah: Decay = 49 not 50 Noise = 179 or 299 not 419 Crocodile = 292(ŏŏ,kk)/412(ŏ,kk)/532 not 439 Great Work = 422(Tf)/431/771(W) not 440 The Great Work = 877 not 777 Concubine = 491 not 518 Annihilation = 521 not 525 NOX = 570/279(x)/450(ŏ) LUX = 550/570/259/279 not 650 LUXFIRE = 574(F)/566(f) not 666 SEBEK (page 79) = 62 not 439 or Crocodile(412) Edward Alexander Crowley = 602(Nf)/642/666/706(LL) & when activated 1006(W) or 1297(X,W) On page 64 I could not figure out how you arrived at 1111, maybe you could explain this & the other calculations above. Thank you & I hope with you all is well.
- July 28, 2010 10:24 AM
Samuel.K.Vincent said... - ALSO POSTED on the GEMATRIA PAGE: >gflo said... > >N.O.X. is not 550 (page 190) nor is it 650 >(page 78) but you can arrive at 506 if you >count the N as final & 386(ŏ,Nf) is another >possible value. Also N.O.X. = 95(Nf,ŏ,x). It >seems that in these errors (also with L.U.X.) >the X has been counted as 400 which would make >550 & 650 possible when it is my understanding >that X = 300. > > Thank you. > July 28, 2010 11:46 AM > >:::::::: Samuel K. Vincent said: No, you are operating under Old Aeon (Pre 418) dynamics. X is the old Aeon Tau, so 400, not Shin, 300. The Cross is not the Spirit (300), it is the Material (400). Also, you fail to see the point of LUX NOX, which are formulae. They have three letters, so three phases, and thus three numbers in seperate Places. The phases are L-Laverse, O horned - O full, x inert - X active. In this way for instance at the tail end of LUX, with formulae finalized: 50+200+400=650. Similarly for LUXFIRE which is the movement from 303 to 666. LuxFire = 70+200+9+10+4+9+1 = 303 to LaverseUXfIRE=50+200+400+2+4+9+1=666 And likewise for The Great Work which has too many phases of too unspecific generality to be interest here. Yet to show you: The=106 Great =132 Work=539 =777. All formulae operate this way - and we now have all the transitional glyphs. There are bound to be clerical errors and we are grateful for pointing any of these out to us. Best,
- July 28, 2010 2:08 PM
gflo said... - ...& Zero is the Space within this Cube. The opposite sides of the Cube when added are multiples of 3. They are 3, its Square(9) & Cube(27). These are my directional coordinates for the Cube of Space which you can confirm or not: 0(E,J)-> is the N-S/E-W Horizontal Axis of the Center. & the 6 Faces: 1(f)-> is Above on the Face of the Vertical Axis 2(Cs,P)-> is Below on the Face of the Vertical Axis This Central Axis is a Triune of Spirit, Father & Mother. 3(I)-> is the Face of the North 6(A)-> is the Face of the South 9(Z,Nf)-> is the Face of the West 18(B,Yc)-> is the Face of the East If I may quote LIBER 418, the first couple of sentences of TEX, the 30th Aethyr, "I AM IN A VAST CRYSTAL CUBE in the form of the Great God Harpocrates. This cube is surrounded by a sphere." (AL II:7) It is curious to me that in AL this particular mention appears in the 2nd Chapter, 7th verse, 2 & 7 which is 27 together. So far it seems to me that the Cube represents dimensions of psycho-physical reality & the sphere surrounding it are the Rings of the 30 Aethyrs & it is puzzling to me how 30 would fit into 27. These are the Antigrams or Opposite Trigrams: To determine an Antigram simply change each line of the Trigram to its opposite. The Tao has no opposite so it would remain unchanged. The opposite of Yin is Yang & vice versa. Notice how they are located on the opposite ends of the Cube & that they include ST = 131, O/U = 200, A/I = 4 & Z,Nf/BYc = 6 as Antigrams. Now these pairs are apart of a much larger set of 729 Hexagrams which, of course, includes the 64 Hexagrams or the I Ching. Not only are they representations of pictographs, but numbers derived from the Ternary base 3 numeral system of counting. As you know the first or bottom position is counted as 1 & each successive level upwards is multiplied in value by 3 so that the sequence up to 6 levels yields 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243 & these are in turn multiplied by the 0, 1 or 2 that are placed at that position. Therefore the number range 0 through 728 (or even more with 7, 8 & 9 positions) can be represented by the combination of these Trigrams in the form of a Hexagram. For example: 666 can be represented as 24/18. The Trigram valued at 24 has the value of 648 when placed above another & this added to the number 18 Trigram gives 666, a combination unique to that number. In this system any number can be reduced to 2 or 3 (or even more if necessary) symbols which seems to work well with the English Qabalah. Likewise letters can be converted into Ternary values, AL for example would give 360 or 175 if expressed in the form of a Hexagram (13/6 or 6/13) depending on which letter is considered the top or bottom. Because the Trigrams are read from the bottom as the first going up this, it seems to me, corresponds with reading left to right so that the A is at the bottom & L on top. The Hexagram 3/12 which can be written out as 010110, representing the 0, 1 or 2 in its respective position, is the number 93 & when this is overturned, reversed or consecutively reordered from the bottom & placed from the top we have 011010 or 4/3, the number 111. This system opens up another dimension altogether for relativity, interpretation & its possibilities. Indeed every number is infinite. A brief & by all means simple demonstration, if you will: The Hexagram 14/0 is Spirit & Mercury which could imply the Spirit of Mercury & has the value of 378. According to the unwritten Lexicon of the English Qabalah 378 (Σ27) = Hermes, the messenger. Hephaestus. (CON'T BELOW)
- August 7, 2010 5:22 PM
gflo said... - (CON'T FROM ABOVE) I am self taught & rely on my research, experience, insight & observation, so excuse me if I am mistaken. I will always be in a process of learning or a state of not knowing. I am inclined to point out what appears to be a strictly limited & certain way of going about simple arithmatic using the system of the Trigrams. For instance, there is no such number as a 13 in this system that is the sum of 8 & 5 as we have in the familiar decimal system of counting. I am not certain yet exactly what this signifies. The way that addition works in this way is based upon an availability/vacancy or possibility of a union between 1 of 3 corresponding positions when placed side by side. The bottom line of one Trigram must be added to the bottom line of another & so on all the way to the top until a new Trigram is revealed. There are only 4 possible operations of addition that can be solved with the same 3 numbers 0, 1 & 2 & these are 0+0, 0+1, 0+2 & 1+1 for the answer must be 0, 1 or 2 (because there is only the Tao, Yang & Yin to place at any given position). A 1+2 is impossible & would require a representation of 3 broken lines which we don't have. There are 20 (12 lines & 8 corners or points) combinations obtained by simple addition (of the 6 Faces) that take part in the formation of the Cube & there are 36 unmanifested & in all there are 56 unique pairs that can be added together based upon the unique "physics" of the Trigrams. The last 8 Trigrams are not only triplicities, but their triplicity is squared or they are actually the sum of 3 unique pairs of astrological signs combined with one of the elements or either the Sun or Jupiter each. (So that we have an understanding, I will not post any claim that I know completely for certain to be correct, regardless of how it is written or what can be found in it, I am only inquiring. Beforehand I am already expecting you to analyze any claim I make. I will not post anything for you to see unless I think some analysis or feedback is needed. If I have simply posted a comment then I am definitely inquiring or otherwise there would be no response for we know some things but not All yet I advise you to read them carefully & I will mutually comply to the best of my ability at any given time. At times I would rather skip the formalities of describing my ignorance & simply tell you what I think or assume. I consider you my superior in these matters as long as we are concerned with the Truth; my Ego will never exceed this consideration unless I become, by some misfortune, clinically insane or mentally unstable in which case it is more likely that I would not even respond. You can safely assume without becoming offended that I have no idea of what I'm talking about if you receive a response from me & I would also agree without hesitation & rethink my position so that we can swiftly get to the heart of the problem before us & not end up fighting amongst ourselves unproductively. In my mind, Gematria & Trigrammaton are One & so I forget to separate them when I am commenting. Also I have both the Trigrammaton & Gematria pages bookmarked & it becomes a habit to click the same one, nor had I given them unique labels so that they appear to be the same, but I have adjusted this though I cannot control any adjustment that you need to make; nor can I guarantee I will not make the same mistake & ask of you to simply clean them up when this occurs. I am always anxious, but never impatient for your reply.) Thank you for your Understanding. Love is the law, love under will.
- August 7, 2010 7:58 PM
gflo said... - My alternative coordinates of the Cube of Space are: 0(E,J)-> is the N-S/E-W Horizontal Axis of the Center. & the 6 Faces: 1(f)-> is East 2(Cs,P)-> is West 3(I)-> is Below 6(A)-> is Above 9(Z,Nf)-> is South 18(B,Yc)-> is North & you can figure the rest... I think these attributions may be more favorable Thank you
- August 8, 2010 12:47 AM
gflo said... - & I am wrong again...
- August 8, 2010 12:55 AM
gflo said... - For now I have settled on the coordinates for the Cube of Space that I am comfortable with & these are: The Sun above & Jupiter below. 2(Cs,P)-> West & Water 9(Z,Nf)-> South & Fire 1(f)-> East & Air not Earth 18(B,Y)-> North & Earth not Air According to Book 418 these are the correctly assigned elements to each station. I had to switch the elements attributed to 1 & 18. The structure of the Cube made me realize something was wrong. I am of the opinion that: B, Y - The Book of Knowledge is made from the Tree of Life or the Tree of this World which grows out of the element of Earth & She is a Woman. Was it not Eve who gave the fruit to Adam & he did eat? (My interpretation of the Bible is Gnostic) This Book & the Pages thereof are also the Breasts of Our Lady. It is here that the Pentacle or "the Coin redeemeth". The verse of this Trigram reads: "Also a Woman arose, and veiled the Upper Heaven with her body of stars." f - The lost Father is of the element of Air which is the Breath or force of the Word whose weapon is the Sword. I first thought it was strange & curious that you would attribute this to Earth, but had no reason to change it. Maybe you could explain why you have attributed them as such if you find this to be in error. Also Cube of Space = 474 (2x237, Khu) = Soul. Mother Earth. Tree of Life. Merkaaba = 98 = T, the Table Thank you & I wish you the best,
- August 8, 2010 3:10 PM
gflo said... - Please let me know your thoughts on all of this. If I am not mistaken, I believe that the Sun should be placed below. In relation to any horizon a star or the Sun cannot appear to rise or set if it is not below it & Hell is to be found in the lower regions at the center. The lower region or the bottom face of the Merkaaba of the Old Aeon represented the self & was the position of Tiphareth on the Tree of Life which you have explained to me has not changed according to the location of the Aethyrs. The number 6 for the Trigram of A attributed to the Sun seems to implicate this. If this still holds up in this New Aeon reconstruction of the Cube of Space (= Tree of Life) then it would also imply quite profoundly that "Every man & every woman is a star" AL I:3 I have reconfigured my Cube of Space to fit these dimensions. Thank you.
Hello Samuel K. Vincent
ReplyDelete(I am reposting this in its proper place so you can delete the other copy which I posted by mistake again in the wrong place. Thank you)
All of this is at the spur of the moment. It has come to my attention upon contemplation that the Cube of Space has 3 more than 27 components which makes 30 in all for the Aethyrs each to have their own place. These are my attributions for the 30 Aethyrs that encircle the Cube of Space & I am interested in what you think about them:
The Inner Dimensions:
LIL -> 0, the Center
ARN -> 1 & 2, the East-West Axis
ZOM -> 3 & 6, the Above-Below Axis
PAZ -> 9 & 18, the North-South Axis
The Faces:
LIT -> 1
MAZ -> 2
DEO -> 3
ZID -> 6
ZIP -> 9
ZAX -> 18
The Edges:
ICH -> 4
LOE -> 5
ZIM -> 7
UTA -> 8
OXO -> 10
LEA -> 11
TAN -> 19
ZEN -> 20
POP -> 12
KHR -> 15
ASP -> 21
LIN -> 24
The Corners:
TOR -> 13
NIA -> 14
UTI -> 16
DES -> 22
ZAA -> 17
BAG -> 23
RII -> 25
TEX -> 26
The Old Merkaaba was missing individual attributions to the 8 corners & this Cube is missing 3 for the triple axis of the center.
If any of this is plausible, which I suspect is, this should give the descriptive correspondences needed to navigate & solve this Chinese Puzzle Box.
I hope you have already received my 2 dimensional representation of the Cube which I have sent via email as a PDF file. Enlighten me with your Thoughts.
In Love,
In my eyesight the Edges & Corners don't seem to be correctly attributed. A few of them are, but the rest would have to be reordered. At least this is what I see at the moment. I am still looking them over. I am in doubt because I cannot understand why would they not be in perfect order in relation to the Cube.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Hello Samuel K. Vincent
ReplyDeleteThis is my attempt at a correct placement of the Aethyrs along the Trigrammatic dimensions of the Cube that I think would fit best. The ones that I believe fell correctly in place according to the numerical order of the 30 Aethyrs are marked "(the same)" except for the Space & the Faces which are all the same & with I can see no problem.
The Space:
LIL -> 0, the Center
ARN -> 1 & 2, the East/West Axis
ZOM -> 3 & 6, the Above/Below Axis
PAZ -> 9 & 18, the North/South Axis
The Faces:
LIT -> 1
MAZ -> 2
DEO -> 3
ZID -> 6
ZIP -> 9
ZAX -> 18
The Edges:
LOE -> 4
KHR -> 5
ZIM -> 7 (the same)
LEA -> 8
OXO -> 10 (the same)
UTA -> 11
ZEN -> 19
IKH -> 20
POP -> 12 (the same)
TAN -> 15 (the same)
ASP -> 21 (the same)
LIN -> 24 (the same)
The Corners:
TOR -> 13 (the same)
DES -> 14
ZAA -> 16
NIA -> 22
RII -> 17
UTI -> 23
BAG -> 25
TEX -> 26 (the same)
Thank you.
Hello Samuel K. Vincent
ReplyDelete{In my comment above, TAN -> 15 is marked "(the same)", but this is an error.}
I cannot imagine the attributions we have worked out being in error no more than 1 or 2 out of place, which I seriously doubt (having no other inkling), still this would not satisfy or compensate for the 14 Aethyrs that appear to be out of order according to my attributions thus far. I have dismissed this possibility as an influence of confusion. My conclusion, at this point, is that the 20 Aethyrs below the Great Abyss, immediately following, were meant to be in disarray or disordered & the 9 Aethyrs above this Great Abyss, the 10th Aethyr, to be in perfect alignment for obvious reasons, I suppose.
As for these:
ARN -> 1 & 2, the East-West Axis
ZOM -> 3 & 6, the Above-Below Axis
PAZ -> 9 & 18, the North-South Axis
My attributions here cannot be taken literally. I only mean the Space in between these opposite Faces & not a combination thereof which serves only to conveniently pin point a location. I believe that each axis should be represented by a Single Isolated Point whereby there is no symbolical distinction other than its position as Upper, Middle or Lower. It is impossible to have such representation as I have listed within That Space where there is Nothing Before All of these which would explain the "missing" attributions. Thus to be more precise:
ARN -> • (Upper), the East/West Axis
ZOM -> • (Middle), the Above/Below Axis
PAZ -> • (Lower), the North/South Axis
"Here is Nothing under its three forms. It is not, yet informeth all things"
Thank you,
... All of this implicates to me that the traditional ordering of the 30 Aethyrs are relatively incorrect. This further implicates, as we may already know, that these below the Abyss need not always be traveled in order & that their order is relative to the traveler, although these may have their own order of manifestation...
ReplyDelete...I have changed the attributions for these Aethyrs:
ReplyDeleteBAG -> 17
RII -> 25 ♄ (the same)
... disregard that last comment about switching the attributions for BAG & RII... Need more time to look them over (&/or a second opinion) before making any more changes.
ReplyDeleteThank you,
I have Reason to believe that the Trigram of Aries should be of the 11th Aethyr & the Trigram of Aquarius must be of the 13th Aethyr...
ReplyDelete... Please excuse the many comments, I am trying to keep you up to date as it comes, if you are following along.
ReplyDeleteI have made Trigram 10 to be of UTA & Trigram 11, OXO. This seems more appropriate.
Thank you,
Hello Samuel K. Vincent
ReplyDeleteUnless you have any objections, I would consider my attributions of the Aethyrs complete & ready for your examination. I believe that I have reached the limits of my own Understanding in this matter.
The Space:
LIL -> 0, the Center (the same)
ARN ->BETWEEN 1 & 2, the East-West Axis (the same)
ZOM ->BETWEEN 3 & 6, the Above-Below Axis (the same)
PAZ ->BETWEEN 9 & 18, the North-South Axis (the same)
The Faces:
LIT -> 1 (the same)
MAZ -> 2 (the same)
DEO -> 3 (the same)
ZID -> 6 (the same)
ZIP -> 9 (the same)
ZAX -> 18 (the same)
The Edges:
LOE -> 4
KHR -> 5
IKH -> 7
LEA -> 8
UTA -> 10
OXO -> 11
ZEN -> 19 (the same)
ZIM -> 20
POP -> 12
TAN -> 15
ASP -> 21 (the same)
LIN -> 24 (the same)
The Corners:
TOR -> 13 (the same)
DES -> 14
ZAA -> 16
NIA -> 22
RII -> 17
UTI -> 23
BAG -> 25
TEX -> 26 (the same)
Thank you for your comments, your invaluable research, and the pdf we received. We are preparing tables of correspondences and your Cube will prove of inestimable interest I am sure. Once the tables are complete, we should be able to attribute them to the Cube with greater facility. I will keep you posted on the project and its progress and please continue to update us on your research. You may wish to prepare a little treatise on the Cube and its applications as well, for discerning Students for eventual publication.
ReplyDeleteI believe that I have reached the limits of my own Understanding in this matter...
ReplyDelete...of assigning the Aethyrs upon the Cube. For now they seem to be perfect in my Sight, for now. I wouldn't know where to begin in writing a brief treatise on the subject; this I must carefully contemplate, but you need not to wait. I am simply glad that all of this is getting out & coming together.
As you know, there are 12 & 8 Trigrams that sum to 156 each when divided as corners & edges, stars & planets. These same 12 & 8 or 20 can also be divided as odd & even numbers, a set of 10 each that have the sum of 156.
I have figured the correct order of reading the Trigrams according to their ternary representation in using Arabic numerals (similar to binary) when changing them to letters or numbers. This is also mathematically implicated by the multiplied structure of each level. The first level is the ones place; the middle, tens & the top, hundreds & in a Hexagram the fourth would be the thousands place & so on when changing each line into a number. Of course, 0 is for the Tao, 1 is Yang & 2 is Yin. Thus we have for Trigram 1 the representation of 001 or 1 & for Trigram 6, 020 or simply the number 20. Left to right is top to bottom whether it is a number or a letter (which are numbers), I believe they should be treated the same. For instance, AL would indicate that the Trigram of the Sun be placed above that of Mars giving us the value of 175, however, with LA we get 360, the degrees of a Circle which is Not.
There is an interesting synchronicity in expressing the Trigrams or replacing their lines & dots with Arabic numerals. Trigram 4 (Cancer) is an 11 (011) which corresponds with the Elevenfold Word ABRAHADABRA of Atu VII. (Interesting also how the legends of the Holy Graal often hearken back to the age of Castles, seeing that H, the Castle, is attributed to the Cup-bearing Charioteer.) It is also the 11th Aethyr in the order that I have attributed. Trigram 14 (Mercury) is 112 & this is the value of Beth & other related ideas. It is not for these reasons alone that I believe the Aethyrs should be renumbered according to their Trigrammatic order. I would like a second opinion.
I have reassigned 19 to POP, the 19th Aire & 12 to the 18th Aire called ZEN. This is more intimately agreeable.
ReplyDeleteI would like to make a suggestion regarding the letter attributions of the 2nd, 3rd & 4rth Aires, I believe these should be PH, ST & QU respectively. After coming to this conclusion I've noticed that if you place the values of each phoneme in a 3 x 3 grid from top to bottom in this order:
... you get an interesting picture of the Son on the Cross that extends Above & Below, to which the 3rd Aire has been assigned. If you add these 3 we get 351 (Sigma 0-26), the Gematria value of the 7 letters that form the 6 sides (f, C/P, I, A, Z/N, B/Y) & the center (E) of the Cube &, of course, it is the sum of the 27 Trigrams engendered by these & all of this is contained within the Triple Axis of the Space. There are other qualities that can be observed that I have not mentioned. I wonder what you see in all this.
You have O & Y (vowel) assigned to the same Trigram, of 16.
ReplyDeleteI am interested in how this Class A document came about & who was involved...
I hope you include this in your next work on the EQ.
Mr. Samuel K. Vincent,
ReplyDeleteI regret not having the time to comment as frequently as I would like because of other business. By now, I am curious if you & your team have made any progress. I have sent you an update of the pdf file that I'm working on. I am still awaiting a reply for my questions that were posted this September & I would certainly like to know your thoughts on what I have just recently sent. I welcome any form of communication you wish whether by email or blog.
Thank You & Best Regards,
...It seems the email I sent was a failed attempt.
ReplyDeleteHave you read the Book of Mutations by R.Leo Gillis? It's now at He also had a blog on livejournal for many years as threefold31, and a website devoted to this material since 1998 at
ReplyDeleteDear GFLO,
ReplyDeleteI apologize for the Silence.
I have yet to turn an EYE into this or any other thing. The Day for IT lies under my right hand, but the Child is too gleeful.
A new volume is being prepared containing the gematriac interpretations of the class A texts as well as the table of correspondences. I shall turn my attention to your attributions at that time as we will be building such tables in general. As I had suggested, perhaps you might be willing to be of assistance?
I have not read Mr. Gillis's book, but I wonder what GFLO thinks of his system.
ReplyDeleteQabalah is a tool and a means. Gematria in particular, as a form of logic or probabilistic proof. Those who sit Encamped are destroyed by the Wonder of IT. The Key makes Visible the design and apparent the intelligent, reactive Mind of Nature in Time. The World is filled with Letter and Number everywhere One looks, which facilitates the matter greatly. I don't encounter trigrams very much, so it is difficult to verify these matters experientially (without dropping to the ground and casting sticks whenever a discernible event might provide enough certainty for verification). However, I do agree that some form of syncretism should be possible, especially if we view the trigram in light of the Supernals (itself an archaic notion).
Mr. Samuel K. Vincent,
ReplyDeleteI would very much like to assist with whatever understanding I may have at the moment, but as simple as it is to manipulate, this subject is such a complex variable for me to summarize especially while currently distracted by other pressing affairs. Slowly I am working on it. I will try my best to be more forthcoming. I have an updated pdf I want to send you, but I'm not certain if it would go through or not. I will try again.
& To Whom It May Anonymously Concern: To answer your question, yes I have. It appears to me that Mr. Gillis's English Gematria system is ill founded, yet not without some inspiration in a few areas as far as geometry & trigrammatic arrangements & patterns are concerned; his attributions, numerical & otherwise all make a great miss. His greatest contribution is the Cube itself, however I feel that he has been misled by his own ingenuity. Glad to see someone anonymously paying attention & has done some homework. Pertaining to his own English Attributions, The Master Therion was right about being wrong & if not mistaken Liber AL also agrees on this point before he even attempted any assignment at it.
Here I have vaguely written about him (R. Leo Gillis) & others: "I assure you that I am not alone nor is this my personal discovery, but those who have knowledge of this have gone astray & their assumptions are unreliable. I have drawn my own conclusions. I have took from them what was True & discarded the rest. I merely stumble upon the pieces & put them where I feel they must fit as a puzzle. Each part gives me a glimpse of the picture. Likewise from you as well I have taken what I can use. I feel undeserving of any title. I have only been inspired by the work of others." - this comment was recorded on this very page July 15, 2010 3:03 PM
What we have uncovered here so far I consider to be a more logical Correction or Direction, if you will, in the Right Path.
Warmest Regards,
Dear Samuel K. Vincent,
ReplyDeleteDelivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
DNS Error: Domain name not found
Mr. Samuel K. Vincent,
ReplyDeleteI suspect that you may have a facebook page by the name of English Qabalah. Is this your page?
Hello GFLO,
ReplyDeleteYes, the facebook page is another means of sharing the key with those interested. You may write me there or at As you know, we are engaged in researching the application of the key into various practical matters, as well as developing tables of correspondences to facilitate future research/discernment. I would like to see your work on the triune systems (the trigram is an apt representation) included, as well as petition your assistance in giving the world their tables of correspondences and analyses of class A Libri.
Hello Mr. Samuel.K.Vincent
ReplyDeleteIn regards to your proposal, it would be my pleasure. As I am able I will send you what I have & point out what I feel needs to be resolved. Hopefully I could give more of my time, but as of now I must wait until that time comes.
I have sent an update via email. I also have a Table of Correspondences that I am working on, but not yet satisfied with a particular category. Almost, but not quite.
Hey very interesting ideas and post. I am not to number savey, but i wanted to ask about the hypercube idea. I was wondering if you guys have seen some of the other ideas with higher dimensional cubes,shapes and objects. Quite a few of them come out of the I-ching and its variations, also to the E8 in physics, the tree of life, sepher yetzirah,the enochian squares of 64, renaissance painting, various alchemical text and on and on. I was just wondering what you guys think about this idea as a whole do you think in a way this is the philosopher's stone in some respects; many people trying to represent the transcendental in a more true correspondent form as a higher dimensional form in order to try and evoke the transcendental into time. Thanks for your time and work
ReplyDeleteHello Bobby,
ReplyDeleteAlthough physical existence has the Aethyrs as its substance & composition, this physical existence is not an Aethyr in & of itself so it would be extremely difficult to see the connection with a theory of everything that involves physical existence as the whole. Parallel comparisons can always be made between one thing & another, but that reason alone isn't enough to justify making them. There has to be some other inherently objective or observable reason that would make such an assumption plausible & worthy of any attention. However I understand sometimes that is all we have to begin with before we learn of its practicality, that sometimes imagination must proceed reasoning.
In relation to other geometric forms I can say that yes I've looked at some of them & yes they can be applied to various other geometries in groups that extend infinetely throughout a single form (& though this can be done somewhat imperfectly, for the symbols exhaust at 27, I'm not exactly sure of its use or meaning). The Tree of Life (& of course the Book of Formation) is very satisfactorily compatible with the Cube itself as well as the I Ching & its variations.The E8 Theory is yet to be completed or verified, as far as I know, & I would appreciate any recent developments, as of this year, on the subject. The Cube & its correspondences, as of now, are also incomplete & unverified from a mutual standpoint. Much has changed from what has been posted in the past comments you've been reading. The more that is known & uncovered about the Aethyrs & their structure, the more this could point us in the right direction, but not until then...
Thank you,
Hello Bobby,
ReplyDeleteI've checked & it seems that the E8 theory has been conclusively disproven.
Hello Mr. Vincent,
ReplyDeleteI've been trying to contact the editor via email about the recent publishing & so far no luck.