The Trees

The Trees

WE NOW apply the English Key in its Static form to the Tree of Life and similar constructions and see what revelations it yields. This is done for two reasons: (1) Despite being an anachronistic construction as has been said, we can appeal to it as a test of the integrity of our Key and the System we are developing. Science is developed on the discoveries of the past. Just as quantum mechanics contains and explains Newtonian mechanics, whose laws are a particular case of quantum mechanics when applied to large system dynamics, so New Truth and Law must explain and comprise the Old. The universal truths are never destroyed, only further elucidated. (2) We shall in this way, be able to construct from it later a syncretic system of concordances on the edifice of the science and Knowledge of the Past.

The Student will note that the Sephiras in the original construction of the Tree of Life do not have letters associated to them; only the Paths do. The new Aeon has given us the compound glyphs. And as these are generated by 'H', we place it at the Crown which is Kether; its astrological concordance is switched back to the old Aeon, seeing as the Tree of Life is rooted in the soil of the Aeon past. It is a system better replaced with that of the Aethyrs.
We would expect the assignment of the remaining Letters into the Tree via their astro-cosmological attributions to yield symmetries, properties concordant to new Aeon revelations we have so far. We verify the obvious first: We test the names against those constructions they represent, Understanding that Perfection and so Truth are not to be found here if even these first casual tests Fail. We note for instance that (1) The Sum of the Sephiras, that is the Letters of all three Pillars when summed, are equal to the gematria for "Tree of Life"; (2) Gematria for ‘Middle Pillar’ is equivalent to the sum of the Sephiras in the Middle Pillar; (3) Both Left- and Right-hand paths are equivalent to 111, and when summed are equivalent to a phase of the Middle Pillar, etc. A short demonstration follows. We develop the tables of correspondence fully in a subsequent section.

We include a second Tree, occult in its Nature, rooted as it is in New Aeon soil, to further test the integrity of our system. In this Tree we associate the letters via their astro-cosmological attributions directly. It is upon this Tree that we will develop our system of concordances.

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